

This is real charming. My whole ill-defined notion of what it means to age with dignity has been blown wide open and now includes chandelier earrings and biker gloves, and particularly in combination with autoharp.


NJDP said...

when i was about 15 i went on a 2 week road trip with my parents and sisters. We went to Disneyland and then to a little family reunion thingy. On the way home we stopped at my great uncles house (he wasn't invited to the reunion because my great aunt didn't agree with his "beliefs".) and stayed with him for a few days. He was in his mid 60's and lived in a nice trailer house. He was a normal looking guy, not a party animal, nothing strange about him but I thought he was so cool. Infact to this day remember him as the coolest guy i ever met. He was totally comfortable in himself, knew how to interact with others and was 100% honest and sincere in a way i never had seen before. He was actually "cool". That's how Rob Tyner comes across in this video. Sure he looks weird but it's more than a look for him. That's just the way he is. 100% cool and sincere and honest.

erroneous said...

Thanks for posting this. Awesome.

gorjus said...

I thought this was a joke at first . . . then the "hair down to the shoulders" lyric really struck me, because . . . I liked it, actually. Then I realized you weren't kidding about this being Rob Tyner. Is it actually him? Dear lord. I actually . . . really like the chorus, too. AND THE GHOSTY BACK-STRUM

Charles Leo Gebhardt IV said...

Wow, what/when is this from?